数码罗记 数码罗记

JDC-ax1800 ttl 备份和刷写京东云

JDC-ax1800 ttl 备份和刷写 备份 mmc read 0x50000000 0x00000000 0x00000022 && tftpput 0x50000000 0x00004400 mmcblk0p_GPT.bin mmc read 0x50000000 0x00000022 0x0

linuxer linuxer Published on 2024-11-07

修复 SSH连接报错 Their offer: ssh-rsa

问题 SSH连接报错 Their offer: ssh-rsa ssh root@ Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: s

linuxer linuxer Published on 2024-10-17